If you read the previous posts, you’ll know that I’m trying to help a cute little student be able to quickly identify her notes.
After visiting the Treble Clef Zoo, we go to the Bass Clef Circus. I tell the kids a fun little story about the things I saw at the circus. The most impressive thing I saw was an enormous giraffe with a dog riding on its back. And the whole time they were walking around the circus ring, that dog was balancing an apple on top of it’s head!
Once kids have been exposed to this visual, we relate it to the notes of the bass staff. I want the kids to quickly be able to recognize that a note on the very bottom line is G (giraffe), a note on the middle line is D (dog) and the top line is A (apple).
There are a lot of games you play as you follow this theme. I hope you’ll use this visual with any kids who would benefit from faster note recognition.
Free Printable
I really like this – have a student that this concept would be great for. I was not able to print it. I am seeing the actually coding for printing but no button like on many of your other things.
Thank you.
Hi Phyllis,
I’m sorry you’ve been having trouble printing. My husband updated some plugins and it seems to be affecting the buttons. I just made the image clickable, so you can just click on the image to print. I check into the button and see if I can get it fixed.
Thank you, Kristin. It worked and printed great. This will be a great help for my student. I appreciate it so much. Thanks for all you do.