This is a really fun piano game that teaches note reading.
You can adapt this game to play with a single child or a group. It’s fun either way!
This version is made especially for kids who are just starting to learn bass clef notes, and if there’s interest I can release other versions. Read below to learn how to play.
Purpose: Learn to recognize bass clef notes: a,b,middle c
Materials: Starfish cards, one mitten or sock for each child, masking tape.
Instruction: Teach children that the top line of the bass clef staff is A. B is the space right above the staff, and middle C is on the first ledger line above the staff. Be sure to emphasize that we are learning bass clef notes.
Set up: Have the children help you attach masking tape to each starfish card. Each card should be starfish side up and have a rolled piece of tape on the front, so that the cards will stick to the students’ gloves. Instruct the students put their glove or sock on whichever hand they choose and sit in a circle surrounding the starfish. The starfish cards should be spread out enough that students won’t accidentally stick to more than one.
How to Play: Teacher calls out a note name and students quickly reach out and press their mittened hand onto a starfish, trying to get the correct note to stick.
Have students detach their card and check their answers. Review as necessary and then have students return their cards to the middle. Call out a new note to play again.
Hope you and your child enjoys this fun piano game!