Thanks for signing up for my email newsletter and requesting your free lesson. Here’s your free Beginner Blues Improv Lesson, where you’ll learn the Easy E Flat Blues.
Your students will love learning how to improvise and you’ll be amazed by how easy and fun it is to start! Click play to watch the video tutorial and then click the green button for printable instructions.
Kids love learning how to improvise on the piano! You’ll love that piano improv helps your students have even more fun at the keys and that learning to improvise makes them better musicians.
How to Get Started:
1. Click play to watch the tutorial. Then go to your piano and have fun creating your own blues improv.
2. Teach this activity to your students at their next lesson. Begin with the duet: teacher plays the left hand chords while student improvises the melody. You’ll both have a blast!
3. Read the guide below for special tips on how to use this improv lesson to boost student confidence, get new clients, and reengage bored students.
I’ve also provided you with a free PDF of instructions that you can print and give to your students. Some students do best when they can look at a diagram to see where to place their hands. Taking this PDF home with them ensures that they won’t forget how to play the E Flat Blues after they leave your studio. The PDF can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
Free Guide: How to use your Quickstart Improv Lesson to boost student confidence, get new clients, and reengage bored students
Introduce Piano Improv and Build Confidence
Use this activity to get kids started with piano improv. They’ll have a blast and be excited to learn more. Because the formula is so easy to follow, kids are guaranteed to sound great, even on their first attempt. This gives them a HUGE boost in confidence. They’ll realize that they really can learn to create their own music!
Once your students have mastered this activity, there are some simple tricks that can be used to jazz it up even more, and I’ll share those with you in an email. I’ve actually created an entire system for teaching kids how to apply music theory to create their own songs and become faster at learning the pieces you assign. You and your students will be amazed by how simple and fun it is to master these music fundamentals and have more fun at the piano when you use this innovative approach designed especially for kids. Kids who can quickly master new pieces and can create their own improvised pieces from scratch are confident at the keys and excited to learn more.
Get New Clients with Your Quickstart Piano Improv Lesson
Do you ever have students and parents who ask to meet with you before they sign up? I do, and I always whip out this activity at some point during that introductory meeting. The kids have a blast. They are so excited they can play something that sounds cool–and already at their first “lesson”.
Contrast that with a typical first lesson, where kids are lucky if they come away knowing how to play a simple familiar song like Mary Had a Little Lamb. This activity is way more fun! The parents are always super impressed that the teacher was able to teach their child to sound great so soon and loves to see their child excited about learning piano. Use this activity with potential new students and both the parent and child will view you as an amazing teacher who they’re excited to study with!
Reengage Bored Students with this Fun Improv Activity
Do you have any students whose interest in learning piano seems to be waning? Whip out this activity and they’re sure to have a blast. When they realize how much fun they can have at the keys, they’ll be begging you for more! They’ll see how easy piano improv is when you know the formulas.
I’ve got lots more fun activities that you can teach your students, so watch for my emails. There are activities that, like this one, are easy to master and sound really impressive. There are also activities that are a little more advanced and designed specifically to help kids understand and apply music theory. When you use improv to teach kids how music is structured, learning new pieces from their method books will get easier. Less frustration with learning new pieces equals more fun for both the student and the teacher!
Start Piano Improv Today!
Go right now to your piano and practice playing Easy E Flat Blues. Print out the instructions and when your next student arrives, invite him or her to sit and jam with their right hand while you play the left hand chords. Do this with every student this week and you’ll all see how simple it is to start creating your own music at the piano. Your students will have so much fun they’ll be excited for you to teach them more piano improv.
I hope you and your students have fun creating your own music with this Beginner Blues Improv Lesson. Be sure to watch your email for my newsletter where I share more great tips for successfully teaching kids how to improvise on the piano. Best wishes for your success!