Help kids compose a song they’ll be really excited about with this free printable piano composition worksheet.
Kids love talking and fantasizing about space and all the possibilities of that endless unknown. This sheet will channel that wonder into a creative composition.
To use this free composition worksheet, just click on the image to print it out and then help your student fill in the blanks. This is a great activity because you can use it to reinforce the scale you’re currently working on. Ask the students to compose their songs based on that scale. You can even ask them to start and end their piece on the tonic.
I also created a planning sheet that you can use alongside the composition worksheet.
Kids can imagine what planet they’d like to visit if they could fly in a spaceship. They can name a known planet or dream up their own new planet.
Young kids love to draw the characters from their imagination, so the sheet also includes a place for the kids to draw the two space creatures that they’ll feature in their composition.
You can print the planning sheet on the back of the composition worksheet or hand it out separately. Either way, your students will love it!
Free Composition Sheet Free Planning Sheet
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Hi, I just wanted you to know that I am subscribed to your updates, but don’t receive an e-mail every time you post a new blog post. Also, can’t wait to try this activity with my students!
Hi Leia,
I didn’t want to burn everyone out with too many emails, so right now things are set up so that notifications only go out when there’s big posted. There are actually a few fun “big” things coming up, so watch for those notifications.
I try to post fun new activities or teaching tips about once a week, so if you’re checking the blog at least that often you’ll never miss anything. I’m glad you like the Spaceship activity. It should be a lot of fun for your students.